
Check out andywolo's Resources

3 resources
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Culture Archaeological Dig

This resource is for the final unit in Grade 4 Social where students will gain an appreciation for the cultures that make up Alberta. Students bring in a box that contains three items from their families culture. They need to be related to the different aspects of culture (music, traditions, celebrations, food etc). When they bring in the items they need to keep them in a shoe box so that no other students can see them. They then will give a brief description of the item without giving too much away as a presentation while the rest of the class takes notes. Once all students present their culture boxes I mix up the items into different boxes and students go on an "archeological dig" using their notes to try and match the box of items to a student.

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Numeration Daily Three Math writing prompts

These are task cards for Daily Three math writing. They can be printed and cut so students can then paste them into their books to answer the questions and then explain their thinking.

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Dream Vacation Cross Curricular

This is a project based learning assignment that I made that should take about a month to complete. It includes descriptive writing, research, and multiplication/adding incorporated in it. The kids love being able to research different places, attractions, food and aspects of culture. For your "high" students in Math you can also work in currency exchange.

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