
Check out calbrecht's Resources

61 resources
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Grade 4 Curriculum Map - DRAFT

A rough draft of my curriculum map for grade 4

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Language Arts Mini Lessons examples

Each week I make a booklet of all the mini lessons I want to teach. It provided the students some guidance when we are working through LA stations. I tend to alternate between more free stations based on strategies and structured units of work (such as a genre study)

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Lesson Plan for Long Division Introduction

Used for an evaluation recently

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Grade 5 curriculum map

Recent grade 5 curriculum map

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Grade 5 Draft Curriculum Map

Curriculum map for grade 5. Does not include Phys Ed or Health at this time

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Weather Watch unit plan

Quick overview of weather unit for grade 5

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How to Use the ESL Benchmarks Crash Course

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Persuasive Writing Unit Plan

Adapted from the Writer's Workshop model

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Historical Canada Mini-Museum - 5.2

Project to introduce or wrap up the studies on the ways of life and stories of Canada

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Sample Numeracy Block

This is usually how my numeracy blocks look.

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Literacy Block Outline

How I run my literacy blocks

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Patterns and Equations unit break down

Breakdown of lesson progression. Task cards are simply questions taken from a teacher resource and put in cards. Students complete them and take a picture that is uploaded to Google Classroom.

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Natural Disaster Survival Plan for Science and Social

Combine the geographic regions and weather in this problem-based challenge

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Common Spelling Rules for Word Work

A list of spelling rules to work through for word work. Developed by a learning coach and literacy intervention specialist.

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Book Club Reading Plan and Activities

This is a shared reading resource with activities and rubrics/continuums to support teachers who have students reading at several different levels. It was designed for independence and student-led book groups.

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What Am I writing prompt

Writing prompt to create riddles in order to practice descriptive writing. Was originally used for ESL but could be adapted to work with any grade!

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What does Canada Mean to Me

Activity was originally framed around a brief introduction to Canada 150. Students answer the following questions in a brief presentation: What does Canada mean to you? Pick an event/invention/person in Canada’s history. How has this impacted Canada and helped shaped our nation’s identity? (See Historica Canada - Heritage Minutes for some ideas) Many people were born here, though lots of people move to our country. What do you think Canada means to those who moved here? Why do you think they moved here? What is your hope for the future of Canada?

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Writing Prompt for Life Before Canada

A writing prompt to encourage students to think about what life would have been like before Canada became a country. Allows students to think as Aboriginal peoples, Explorers, Settlers, Politicians, or many other prespectives.

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Critical Challenge on comparing Aboriginal groups

Used as an introduction for students to compare the lives of different aboriginal groups before looking at various traditions.

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Critical Challenge for the Greatest Legacies

Critical challenge adapted based on various resources to have students learn about the various groups in Canada

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Lesson plans for ranking the regions of Canada

A critical analysis about comparing life in the regions of Canada

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Research task on the regions of Canada

Lesson plan for learning about the regions of Canada

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Regions of Canada guiding questions for research on the regions of Canada

Chart for gathering brief information about the regions of Canada

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Socratic Circle for determining the best region to live in Canada

A fun wrap up to any study on the regions of canada

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Imagine a World Without Canada

A great introduction to any history class.

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Reading Strategy Template for Predictions

Simple guided strategy for well developed predictions

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Organization writing rubric

A simple rubric focused on organization

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Design Your Own Kingdom

Follow up activity for The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe

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Problem solving strategies and checklist

Used for weekly problem solving

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The Debaters Assignment

Debate with facts and humour on a given topic! Students will go face to face debating either for or against. Based on the CBC Radio comedy show “The Debaters”, face off to see who has ability to persuade their classmates which side they should take! They might not agree with the position they are arguing, but that’s part of the fun!

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LA Film Study

A year end educational twist to watch a movie

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Reading response questions for Wendell the Worlds Worst Wizard

Questions developed using the teacher toolkit, CAFE/Daily 5 and Super 6 reading strategies for Wendell the World's Worst Wizard. Used for retelling the story, critical thinking, connections, predictions, and questioning.

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Project Identity

This project is designed to have students question who they are and what they stand for. They are to think about the following questions: "How do you think the world sees you? How do you want the world to see you?" and develop a product through an inquiry model that expresses their identity in relation to their experiences and others.

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UnRubric Assessment Tool with explanation

Student Reflection and Teacher Feedback tool for assessment. Fully editable to suit your needs. The sample included is from a grade 5 project. Updated: Now includes a "how to" or explanation of how I use the tool in my classes.

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Why Learn French Project

This project is used to as an introduction project for students in a second language class. The resource includes a Student Reflection and Teacher Feedback assessment tool based on competencies.

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Weather Machine Build Challenge

I run this building challenge similar to the Chopped show on the Food Network prior to teaching current machines/devices used to measure various components of weather.

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Circuit Task Book

Using traditional wire circuits, circuit scribe and snap circuits

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Time Table Template

Colourful time table on a 6 day cycle with 6 blocks a day. Word document that is editable. This was created on a Mac using Pages originally so you may need to adjust the shapes so they line up properly in Word.

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Day Plan Template

Colourful day plan template based on a 6 block day. Word document that is editable. This was created on a Mac using pages originally so you may need to adjust the shapes so they line up properly

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Google Maps Task

Mapping with Google Maps task

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Provinces of Canada Parade Float Project

Project to review the provinces of Canada. Could be modified to be the regions of Canada or regions of Alberta.

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Grade 5 Year Plan

Sample year plan for grade 5 including religion, art, health and PE. No French

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Home Necessities Math Project

Student-created project for review of place value and budgeting based on a staff member buying their first house and creating a budget for what they would need to put in their house.

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Goal Setting Template

Template to set goals for citizenship and academics

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Discussion Questions for Reading

A template to help students develop good discussion questions as a part of a literature circle or other reading groups

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Beginning of year student questions

A quick "intro" activity for students to tell you a bit about themselves and their learning needs.

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Ask Me Anything interviews

Opportunity for students to connect with various members of the community. This is the outline of the project and how it connects to curriculum. Students loved the opportunity to meet new people and learn about the role they play in the community.

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Inquiry project on land use in the wetlands

This project was made by the students in my class with some support. It was modified from a few different projects found online to fit the needs of the students. Includes skills from LA, Social and Math as well. No assessment tool yet as students have not yet completed the criteria and indicators of success for each section.

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UnRubric assessment Tool

Student Reflection and Teacher Feedback tool for assessment. Fully editable to suit your needs. Sample included from a grade 5 project.

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Inquiry based problem solving guide

Problem solving guide based on the inquiry process. Used with middle years students

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creating a culture of feedback in your classroom

A step by step method of teaching the feedback process to students. Includes a link to a blog post from my first year teaching the feedback process and my contact information if there are any questions.

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Break Cards

Break Cards for students to help self-regulate. Students will fill them out and bring it to you. Gives students ownership over their learning and ability to self-regulate. I laminate mine and use a wet erase pen so they can be reused. Also provides accountability for timing

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Tip Sheet for hard to motivate students

Quick tip sheet for teachers working with a student who can be hard to motivate

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Oppositional Defiance Disorder Tip Sheet

Quick tip sheet for teachers working with a student who has ODD

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Genius Hour Proposal

Indepth Genius Hour proposal that looks at competencies, design thinking, reflection, and being an Engaged Thinker

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Various Continuums for Reading Skills

Assessment tools that will work for various reading skills - Were used to go along with activities in a student led book club

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Reading Plan for Student Led Book Club

Ideas, activities and reading plan for a student led book club

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Get to Know Your Child Parent Form

Form sent home for parents to give some quick and relevant information about students and gather contact information for easy access

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Planning a Persuasive Letter

Planning sheet for students as part of persuasive letter writing - used for grades 4 - 6

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Lesson Plan to teach socratic circle

Introductory lesson to teach a socratic circle. Was used for a teacher evaluation purposes as part of grade 5 social studies unit however it can be easily modified to any topic and grade.

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Boreal Forest Digital Field Trip

Worksheet for a self-guided digital field trip to the boreal forest