
Check out WildWestHumanities's Resources

130 resources
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The Outsiders Novel Study Resources

Reading response booklet, book review assignment and exemplar, and film critique writing assignment.

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Novel Study Unit - Invitation to the Game

Novel by Monica Hughes Unit includes reading questions book for each chapter, pre-reading assignment, journal responses and rubric.

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English Language Arts Word Wall Starter

Document I started when creating an ELA word wall, or can be printed off and used as flash cards. PPTX is left with more boxes so you can add your own :)

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Art Assignment - Fun Lines / Illusion, Emergency Sub Plan

Art assignment I've used with kids as an sub plan.

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Learning Strategies - Entrance, Exits Slips, and Self-Assessment Tools

Tools I've used to boost metacognition and self-awareness in learning with junior high

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Social 9 Midterm and Final Prep Exams

Midterm exam for social 9 (Unit 1 - gov and justice) plus some other prep stuff I've used with kids prior to finals.

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Social 9 Chapter 9 Resources

Booklet, quiz, activity, unit exam.

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Social 9 Chapter 8 Resources

Booklets, activities, quiz, unit exams for chapter 8 - Issues for Canadians for SS 9

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Social 9 Chapter 7 Resources

Booklets, exam, and activities

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Social 9 Chapter 6 Resources

Includes booklet and key, activities, exam, study guides.

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Social 8 Major Assessments

Includes a final exam, midterm for the Renaissance, and study guides.

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Social 8 - Japan Unit Resources

Unit Exams, Booklets, etc for Japan unit social 8 - Contact and Change textbook

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Social 9 Chapter 5 - Immigration Resources

Resources for Immigration Unit - Grade 9 Social Studies incl. unit booklet, unit exam, quiz, historical resource analysis, study guide.

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Social 9 Chapter 4 Resources

Chapter 4 - Collective Rights materials. Booklet (follows the chapter), unit exam, quiz, discussion prompts, etc.

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Writing Conventions Exam

Unit exam for writing conventions - parts of speech - verb tense - types of sentences - verb usage - active/passive voice

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Social 9 Chapter 3 Booklets - CCRF

booklets follow the textbook. pdf and doc included.

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Social 9 Chapter 2 Booklets - Canada's Justice System

Booklets for the unit. 2 booklets from previous years

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Social Studies Notetaking Template

To help the disorganized children of the world.

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Social 9 Year Intro and Ch 1 Booklets

Booklets for Social 9, Chapter 1 and a year intro book looking at some introductory concepts. Follows Issues for Canadians textbook.

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Social 7 Chapter 7 Resources - Voices and Vision

unit exam and modified exam, notes. No booklet as I used the sheets from ADLC.

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Social 7 Chapter 6 Resources - Voices and Vision

Booklet, notes, guided notes, unit exams

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Social 7 Chapter 5 Resources - Voices and Visions

guided notes, booklet, and vocab jigsaw activity.

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Social 7 Chapter 3 Resources - Voices and Visions

Includes an exam and shortened/modified exam, guided notes handouts, booklets (some materials adapted from ADLC).

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SOCIAL 6 Taking Part in Our Democracy Booklets

Handmade with love. Pages in word docs are set up to have 0.5 margins all the way around.

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Parts of Speech and Grammar Resources

Includes a powerpoint and student handout, template for POS magnets (label sentences up on the board), a unit review quiz/test on parts of speech and sentence structure.

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Reading Assessment Class Record - Generic

Sheet to record kids' scores on reading assessments. I use with F and P, but could be modified to fit whatever assessment used by editing columns.

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Writing Concepts Checklist

Checklist to mark off student understanding of writing concepts, incl. sentence structure, run on sentences, fragments, semicolon, etc.

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Good Writers Portfolio

Includes a variety of exercises to help students develop good writing skills and awareness around conventions, and build metacognition around writing. I used with grade 7s as post-lesson exercises. I've included the key as well.

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Social 6 - Democracy Report Card Project

Students have to assess Canadian, Iroqouis, and Athenian Society against the principles of democracy. Blank copies for students to complete the assignment on are included. Rubric is attached. Descriptors can be modified to be aligned with district/school.

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LLI / Guided Reading Plan Template

Guided reading lesson plan checks for teacher.

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Shared To-Do List Template for Google Drive

A shared to-do list for teachers, with drop down menus for priority, type of task, and progress status; due dates and information.

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Meet the Teacher Handout Template

A template for back to school (powerpoint file - sized to 8.5x11 paper portrait layout) - two layouts included. Change the colours as you see fit using google slides or powerpoint.

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Social 8 Worldview Concept Resources

Workbooks, powerpoint, and activities to teach worldview

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Grade 9 Social Outcome Posters

All the social 9 outcomes from the Alberta program of study with student friendly language.

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Social 7 Chapter 9 Materials - Our Canada

Powerpoint, study guide, workpack, assignment and rubric, exam for Social 7, Chapter 9: The Metis Rise Up (Our Canada)

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Social 8 Aztec Unit Resources

Booklets, activities, quizzes, study guides for Social 8 - Aztecs

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Reading Log for Remote Teaching

Upload to google classroom and make a copy for each student for easy reading tracking and communication with students.

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Social 8 Chapter 3 Resources

Booklet Unit Exam Study Guide

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Social 8 Chapter 2 Resources

Expansion of Trade in Europe (Conceptual Lens is Demand) - Booklet - 2 Assignments - Study Guide - Unit Exam

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Social 7 Chapter 5 Booklets - Our Canada

2 booklets for differentiation. Conceptual understanding based around conflict

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Social 7 Fur Trade Resources - Our Canada

- Note pack (2 - differentiated) - Assignment - Unit Exam

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Hero's Anthology Writing Assignment

Designed using AAC's performance assessment materials.

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Hero's Journey and Archetypes ELA Resources

Resources to use to support teaching hero's journey and archetypes.

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Theme Park Figurative Language Project

Assignment used mid-way through poetry unit to reinforce figurative language use in prose.

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Social 8 Chapter 1 Unit Exam

Unit Exam for Chapter 1 of Social 8 (Middle Ages) - Paired for Worldviews: Contact and Change

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Social 7 Chapter 1 Unit Exam

Unit exam for Chapter 1 (Created based on Our Canada textbook)

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Social 9 Chapter 1 Review Guide

Review guide for Chapter 1 in Social 9 - Federal Government

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Social 8 Chapter 1 Resource Pack

Resources to accompany Chapter 1 in Worldviews: Contact and Change

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Social 7 Chapter 1 Review Guide (Our Canada)

Review guide for Social 7 Chapter 1 - Our Canada

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Social 7 Chapter 1 Project

A comic project for social 7 chapter 1 - First Nations in Canada Use with Tracee Orman's comic strips:

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Social 9 YCJA Resources

Resources for Social 9 Unit 2: YCJA

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Social 6 Chapter 1/2 Booklet for Taking Part Textbook

Booklet accompaniment for Taking Part in Our Democracy. PDF and Word provided.

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Artifact Box Project - Middle Years

Have students show the different parts of their identity with this project. Includes directions, task info, guide to completion, and rubric; files are in PDF and Word for quick printing and tweaking respectively.

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Voice Level Classroom Posters

Posters for volume levels in the classroom.

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Try 3 Before Asking Me Sheet

Do students come to you with small problems that they could solve themselves? Yeah. Me too. I made this sheet for my grade 6s who are way too used to letting others solve their problems for them. Print out, cut in half, hand out, increase student independence and problem solving. I have included the PDF and powerpoint for tweaking.

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Student Self-Assessment Rubric Companion

A sheet to have students self-assess their work against the criteria provided in the rubric.

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MODIFIED Chapter 1 and 2 booklets OUR CANADA (Social 7)

Chapter 1 and 2 booklets I made for students who were reading below grade level. Content is the same, but questions have been simplified and shortened for students who struggle with reading comprehension. I have included PDFs and Word Docs for quick printing and tweaking, respectively.

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Social 7 Chapter 1 Booklet - Our Canada **UPDATED**

I noticed some errors and mismatching of questions in the booklet. Please redownload for the updated copy with proper (and added) questions for each of the 3 stories. Workbook for Social Studies 7 Our Canada textbook, chapter 1

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Interactive Notebook Insert - Reading Comprehension Questions

An interactive notebook page set I made to help students with reading comprehension questions. 4 different types of questions. Have students write an example of each question on the underside of the flap.

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Middle Years Literacy Progression Chart

A quick guide for what skills and knowledge grade 6 through 9 students should be working on - quick guide for parents or students to self-check and assess.

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Class Writing Rubric (Co-Constructed Criteria)

An outline that uses the baked potato metaphor (via Shelley Moore) to help students understand the difference between a 3/5, a 4/5, and a 5/5 for a written response. Use this outline with your class to develop your class's definitions (co-construct the criteria) and help them understand the targets/goals when it comes to completing a written response. I have provided the PDF for quick print if you want students to fill out by hand, and the powerpoint so you can type in the student responses and tweak for your needs. Prints on 11x17 paper. For more info on the baked potato metaphor of learning:

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Your School Manifesto - Back to School Writing Activity

An activity for back to school for students in junior high - have them write out their personal school manifesto to create intrinsic motivation and start the year off on a positive note. Comes with some examples and guidelines / how to write instructions.

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Social 8 Worldview Introduction Notes and Assignment

A pack put together to help students understand worldview and understanding/perspective. 1) Notes on worldview inc. definitions 2) Activity to help students understand beliefs/values and what is important to them 3) Article and assignment on the "Nacirema" - Americans and going to the dentist described objectively - ethnography. Students then write their own ethnographic paragraph on the Naidanac people (w/ rubric) I have included both PDF and word doc for tweaking

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Social 7 Chapter 2 Booklet - Our Canada

A booklet to accompany chapter 2 of Our Canada textbook for social 7 Includes my approach to conceptual lens for understanding for the unit - co-existance

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News Article Outline / Summary Sheet

Worksheet for helping students review the parts of a news article. Dual use: helping them write one of their own, and as a summary guide for independent reading for sites like Newsela.

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Simple Art Rubric and Scale

A quick art rubric and scale I put together for my grade 6s so they understood what was expected and assessed during art class - Print on 11x17 paper - I have included a PDF for quick printing and the powerpoint if you wish to edit/tweak the rubric for your needs.

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Art Self-Assessment Rubric

A simple rubric for students to use as a self-assessment for any art assignment. Total out of 10. I have left room in the I CAN box for students to write the outcome they are working with (make sure they know what they are supposed to accomplish - accountability for the win!) Also asks students to reflect on their learning and consider where else they could apply the concept they learned. I have included a PDF for quick printing and the word doc if you wish to tweak for your needs!

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I Wish My Teacher/Admin/Counsellor Knew... Slips for Students/Staff

Use these slips in your classroom as a way for students to tell you things, especially if it is bothersome or difficult. I have included a few different styles for different uses. There is not a spot for their names on a few so they do not feel compelled to write it if it optional. This idea comes from Kyle Schwartz, who taught third grade in a school with a high population of students living below the poverty line. This simple act gave students a voice to share their experiences in a safe way that allows them some control over what happens with the information. This is a tool for building relationships with students - please do not force them to share if they are not ready. INSTRUCTIONS FOR PRINTING: Select page you want to print, the slides have been already scaled for 8.5x11 paper in landscape mode, you will get 2 slips per page. INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE USE 1: Share the instructions with your students prior to giving them the slips. If you do this whole class, make sure to tell them that they do not have to write anything - don’t force them into sharing. USE 2: Leave the slips and the instructions some place safe in your classroom for access. Leave a box or container with them for students to safely submit the slips. Tell students that you will check at the end of every day/week. I have NOT provided the option for the teacher to “keep it to themselves” as this can become very problematic when students share incidences of abuse/trauma and the proper authorities need to be notified or involved. Please be very careful and refer to your administration or appropriate sources of support if you encounter students who are at risk of harm.

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Editable Morning Routine Signs

Print on 8.5x11 paper, have included both PDF for quick print of what I use and the powerpoint for editing so you can tweak them to fit your classroom's needs.

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Create Your Own Charter Project - Social 9

Students create their own Charter of Rights and Freedoms for a colony of their own creation. Assignment comes with task directions (PDF and Word if you want to edit), rubric, and a guide to completion with a graphic organizer.

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Social 9 Charter/Rights/Responsibilities Project

An assignment for Chapter 3 - Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms Asks students to think critically about the CCRF and the responsibilities that come with our rights and freedoms in Canada. They then create a poster that details the rights that come with one of the sections (ex democratic rights), as well as what responsibilities come with having those rights. An additional part of the assignment asks students to write a short position statement on how well rights and freedoms are guaranteed and protected in Canada.

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Anticipation Guide for ANY Subject/Topic

Download the sheet and add in 3-4 statements for the students to read at the beginning of the lesson and decide if they are true or false. At the end of the lesson the students revisit the topic and re-assess the statements, and then provide a justification for their decision. BONUS: Post lesson: 3 things I learned about (THE TOPIC) at the bottom of the page can be ripped off as an exit slip/formative assessment.

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Conference Reminder Slip

A slip I made to send home with kids to remind parents of upcoming PT conferences. Two per page, file is a powerpoint; size is pre-adjusted to be 8.5x11 landscape orientation.

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Coffee Shop Work Poster

A poster outlining the rules for "coffee shop" style work time. I've included a PDF for quick printing and a PPTX for editing. Best printed on 11x17 paper.

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Power to Choose Bulletin Board

A simple bulletin board set about the things students have control over. I have included a PDF for quick printing and the PPTX for editing (add your own) - attitude - words - to speak up - kindness - friends - effort - politeness - to try again - actions - reactions

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Multiple Intelligences Posters (With Study/Review Methods for Each!!)

Posters include all 8 MI's PLUS Cosmic Smart (Existential). Each poster has a definition as well as 4-5 different study methods. Have kids take a MI quiz (not included) and then create a name plate to go with their intelligence on the bulletin board!

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Junior High Rules Posters

Posters I made with my key rules in junior high - includes a PDF and a powerpoint file. Print on 11x17 paper 10 rules on 2 sheets: - bring materials - electronics for educational purposes only - own your choices - respect (staff, classroom, peers) - leave space better than you found it - listen when teacher is speaking - no, you can't fill up your water bottle when I'm teaching - to speak, raise your hand - only two people working out in the hallway at a time - cellphones go in locker from first bell to last bell "My job is to help you learn how to learn and learn how to get along. The rest is up to you."

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Social Studies 6 Year Plans and Pacing

Year Plans and Pacing for Social Studies 6 Using Voices in Democracy and Alberta Learning's Critical Challenges as grounding material.

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Social 8 Year Plans and Pacing Guide

Year Plans for Social Studies 8 Using Contact and Change (Green) textbook.

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Social 7 Year Plans Pacing Guide

Year Plans for Social Studies 7 using Our Canada textbook

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Greek and Latin Root Word Posters

Black and White root word posters Over 100 roots words in file Pre-sized to print on 8.5x11 paper. Comes with root, definition, and 2-3 examples.

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Social Studies 6 PAT Review Pack

Review pack to accompany Taking Part in Our Democracy, chapter by chapter.

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Social 7 Year End Project

To accompany either social textbook. Students are asked to explore an area of Canadian history that was previously not covered in the textbook that they would like to learn more about. As this is project based learning, rubric is left to be developed collaboratively by students and teacher.

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Social Studies 8 Renaissance Innovations Assignment

Assignment to accompany chapter 4 (Exchange of Ideas) in Worldviews: Contact and Change. Students are directed to research a different scientific discovery that was made during the Renaissance that was not mentioned in the textbook, and then add it to a shared google slide for all students to review and access.

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Social Studies 8 Final Exam Review Pack

Final Exam review questions to go with Worldviews: Contact and Change textbook. Covers all chapters and the 7 key worldview elements.

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Mad Libs Grammar Assignment

Assignment to help students review parts of speech, sentence structure, and purposes for writing. Lots of fun for review for back to school.

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Practice PAT Prompt - Grade 9 Narrative/Essay

A Practice PAT prompt for students to use in preparation for the PAT Part A. Write either a narrative or an essay about the importance of being open to new opportunities in a person’s life. You may wish to write about yourself or other people, real or fictional. You may set your writing in the past, present, or future.

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The Hero's Journey Analysis Sheet

Provides students with definitions of the different stages of the hero's journey for them to use in application to things they have read, seen, or heard. Good for novels, film, short stories.

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Narrative Writing Check in Slip

For students who are writing narratives, this sheet helps them review the key literary elements of plot, character, conflict, and setting, and then has them apply these questions to their own writing to ensure the story is well-developed. Good check-in tool for students during assignments.

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Skills Canada Reflection and KWL / Careers Writing Assignment

Designed for my students prior to going to Skills Canada as a field trip for Health. Also includes a writing assignment on careers the students are interested in.

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Library or Work Time Check In Slip

Used with my middle years students to keep them accountable and communicate what they were doing during their library/work period.

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Instagram Project Template

Good for visual communication, lesson reflections, social projects, and ELA novel study characterization or projects. Also have used it as an ongoing exit slip/review tool for students.

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Film Techniques Handout

Use the handout to organize notes and information about film techniques (camera angles and movement) Includes opening conceptual question for students to consider prior to beginning notes.

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It Says / I Say / and So Template

A blank it says/I say/And so sheet for students to use in making inferences and confirming understanding of what they have read and reflecting on what they have read.

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Fake Twitter Account Powerpoint

Use this social media organizer for social studies, ELA novel studies - and more!

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Sub Plans Template

A simple and easy to read template for planning for a substitute, block by block.

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Year Plan Template

Blank Year Plan Template for Middle Years ELA/SS or Elementary Multi-Subject. Comes with Long Range blank template for all subjects and then subject specific sheets for ELA, Social Studies, and Health.

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Final Exam Marks Record Sheet

Google sheet page is way nicer than it appears. This sheet is designed to hold a junior high class' final exam marks and be shareable between teachers/staff. Duplicate the sheet for however many classes/grades you need.

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Social 7 Final Exam Review Guide

Review guide to accompany "Our Canada" textbook for final exam.

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Social 7 Year End Review Project

Project has kids review the textbook and Canadian history to find events that fit within a conceptual lens, such as innovation, discrimination, and power/influence. Includes questions to help guide and focus. I only had 4 students when I did this project so each had to take a different topic. Possible differentiation for class sizes: - assign groups a lens and more events - have them do specific chapters or focus on specific sections - have them create a book/presentation using google slides

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Final year end exam for social studies 7 key can be found at the end of the word doc.

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Taking Part in Our Democracy Chapter 6/7 Booklet

Booklet companion to go with the second half of Chapter 6, and 7 of Taking Part in Our Democracy Social Studies 6

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Reflection Exit Entrance Slip

Based on concept based instruction. Has students reflection on learning's impact on thinking and changes in understanding.

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Our Canada Chapter 11 Unit Exam

Unit Exam for Chapter 11 of Our Canada - Social 7

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Our Canada Chapter 11 Study Guide

Study Guide for Chapter 11 of Our Canada textbook - Social 7

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Practice PAT (Narrative or Essay) Prompt

This is an original prompt I made for my students. Has quotes and supports provided.

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Social 7 Chapter 10 Study Guide

Study Guide for Chapter 10 of Our Canada textbook - Social Studies 7

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Urban Legend Research + Poster Project

Project was designed to accompany my short story unit on urban legends in the second half; it was an anticipatory activity to introduce them to current urban legends and some mythology in North America. I did this project over three 80 minute classes with an 8/9 class of varying ability levels. You may be able to do it in 2 classes, depending on your students. Contains instructions, questions, and marking guide.

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Urban Legend Writing Project ELA 8 9

Project was designed to be given at the end of a unit on short stories, research, and writing. File provides directions, rubric, graphic organizers, and a guide to completion.

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ELA 8/9 Unit Plan - Short Stories / Stories Beyond Belief

This unit is conceptually based around truth and belief. Culminating project is that students write their own urban legends and perform them "campfire style" for a younger audience.

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Social 6 Provincial Government Work Book

Work pack with cloze passages and questions for Chapter 9 of Taking Part in Our Democracy. All organized by headings and page numbers. Would suggets uploading it to google drive for proper layout and formatting prior to printing, but hey, it's your journey.

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Social 6 7 8 9 Legislature Visit Worksheets

We took all of our junior highs (Grades 6/7/8/9) to the legislature in Edmonton for a tour. I made forms for all of them. All 4 are included in the PDF.

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Social 6 Provincial Government Study Guide

Reviews content from Taking Part in Our Democracy Chapter 9 (Provinicial Government)

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Social Studies 6 Provincial Government Unit Exam

Designed to line up with Chapter 9 of Taking Part in Our Democracy

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Social 6 Chapter 2 Unit Exam -What Do Governments Do For Us?

Unit Exam that lines up with Chapter 2 of Taking Part in Our Democracy

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Social Studies 6 Chapter 1 Unit Exam

Unit Exam that lines up with Chapter 1 in Taking Part in Our Democracy.

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Understanding by Design Unit Plan Template

A template I designed using the principles from UbD as well as concept based instruction.

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Social Studies 6 Ancient Athens Workbook

Lines up with chapter 3 in Taking Part in our Democracy textbook.

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Reading Check In Handout - 5 W's

This sheet can be used to check comprehension of what a student is reading, using the basic 5 W's as a focus.

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Renaissance Unit Culminating Project

Summative project for the end of the Renaissance unit to assess innovations/people of the Renaissance and their impact on our modern worldview. - Has aligned rubric - has guide to completion for students (step by step)

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Renaissance Unit Project - Worldview Artifacts

Project overview and marking guide for end of Renaissance Unit. Provides steps to completion as well as visual examples.

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Social Studies 6 - Chapter 6 & 8 Booklet

Covers basics of representative democracy and all of local government using Taking Part in Our Democracy Textbook.

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Poetry Book Project

Students work with different forms of poetry as well as visual representation for this end of unit project. Students chose an overarching theme or topic to guide their poems and provide them with focus. I made the books out of 3 sheets of 11x17 paper folded and stapled in the middle. This gives more than enough pages, which is a bonus if you need to extend the project. I had them also do imagism poems and create a full-page illustration.

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Social 6 - Consensus Building and Perspective Taking Exercise

Students take on the role of hoyaneh in this exercise to build consensus as to whether or not the Iroquois Confederacy should sign a treaty with the settlers who have come in. This can be done whole class or in small groups. I did it as a whole-class using fishbowl discussion, with the partners (who represented the five nations) who are actively discussing in the center, and everyone else listening and writing down what they hear. Each task card provides the group with background information as well as stance on the issue, and some supporting details on the stance for them to use in discussion.

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Social 6 Iroquois Confederacy Work Booklet

Questions, Cloze Passages, and Graphic Organizers for Chapter 4 in Taking Part in Our Democracy.

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Advertising and School Identity Project

Unit Project for ELA 8 - Advertising and Media.

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Road Trip Through History

Project for SS 7 - Chapter 7 Students Plot a road trip to visit the major sites through the War of 1812 and American Independence. Can be adjusted as a whole year project.