
Check out mskp's Resources

53 resources
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4 Pillars of Democracy

Illustrate 4 pillars with images, symbols and icons that BEST represent each of the 4 Pillars of Democracy: FREEDOM, REPRESENTATION, EQUITY & JUSTICE. These images must represent the definition of each pillar in action. These images should also be Canadian based. Images may be drawn, found on the internet, or a magazine as well You will be graded on: Having all aspects of the project complete Your ability to explain WHY the image represents a particular pillar The clarity and ability to communicate your understanding of the 4 Pillars

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Geometry: Symmetry, Congruence and Tessellation Test

An 8 question assessment for the new math curriculum. Covers all the KUSPs for the Learning Objective: Students analyze shapes through symmetry and congruence.

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Olympic Correspondent Project

Students will chart and graph the results of the 2022 Olympics. Each student will represent one nation participating in the events. Students will host a pavilion that represents the country they have been exploring and learning about. Congratulations! You have been selected as a national correspondent to represent a country at this year’s 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing, China. Your job position requires you to perform the following tasks: -Design a button representing your country. -Keep citizens updated on the daily medal count of your country. -Inform athletes at Athlete’s Village about your country. -Demonstrate an aspect of your country’s culture at the closing ceremonies. -Take a selfie of you at an olympic event. -Write an article about the torch relay from Athens to Beijing & note the symbolism of the torch design.

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Time Capsule Project

Welcome to TWOSday - 2/2/2022. For this project, you will create a Time Capsule which will allow you to select a few primary sources from your own life. A time capsule will allow you to reflect back on what life was like in 2022. What was popular, historical events, your personal preferences and other important events/items in your life. The next date in history will be 11 years from now on 3/3/2033. How much will you have grown? In which ways will our society have changed? The purposes of doing this “Personal Time Capsule” are: -To provide a record of your life and who you are now -To anchor in time your current views, attitudes, philosophy, and outlook -To analyze your personal characteristics and the relationship to your future -To create a document that, years from now, will have significant value to you

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Popits Multiplication & Hundred Chart

Are your students obsessed with the popit phenomenon? Make it a meaningful manipulative - turn it into a hundred chart on one side (great for multiples) and on the other side make it a multiplication table. We purchased 10x10 popits and the students used Sharpie to create their own manipulatives.

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Canada Votes - 2021

Use this as a guide and jigsaw activity to the Federal Election, students will be asked to research a political party and understand their stances on national issues.

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Long Range Plans Grade 5/6 - 2021/22

Here is my long range plans following the scope and sequence of a four quarter system. This plan outlines the core outcomes taught for grade 5 and 6 in each quarter and notes how to get students to mastery of the outcomes. Note: Quarter 4 only has grade 6 outcomes.

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Creative Arts - Monogram Geometry

Task: Using your graphic design skills, create a custom monogram of your name and identify the lines with mathematical vocabulary. Great for bulletins and engagement. Students will seek feedback from their peers and use design thinking.

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One Word Project - 2021 Edition (Online learning)

Students will reflect on 2020 and look forward to 2021 where they will choose one word to encompass their hopes for the year ahead. After their reflection, I asked my students to create a slide to illustrate their one word and we compile them gallery style.

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Canadian Voting Rights timeline - DIGITAL ACTIVITY

Students will research historical events leading to the way we vote in Canada today. They will also identify 10 of the most critical events post confederation that influences our democratic rights.

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Weather Phenomena (ONLINE compatible)

Participate in a virtual field trip watching a livestream of George Kourounis who is a storm chaser and tv personality. Students will take notes on at least four different types of wild weather he discusses in this virtual field trip.

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Classroom Champions - Leadership (Online compatible)

Help build the pro-social skills of your students. This resource builds on the lesson plans available online with student handouts. No prep needed. "Team Canada Champion Chats is an exciting nation-wide program hosted by the Canadian Olympic Committee, Canadian Paralympic Committee, and Classroom Champions that empowers millions of Canadian K-8 students to embrace and take on challenges, prioritize mental health, achieve goals, and ultimately become a champion in their home, community, and school."

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Egg Drop Parachute challenge (DISTANCE LEARNING)

Students will create and design a parachute that will successfully land an egg without cracking or breaking. Students will test and determine the differences between parachutes with or without vents.

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Virtual Field Trip - Theme Parks (Distance Learning)

Students will explore different theme parks from around the world and ride some of the noteworthy rides in each. Using Google Earth and first person POV YouTube videos, students will reflect, compare and contrast as they travel along. Google Earth link is on the first slide. I use this as a kick off to a PBL project I have uploaded (Imagineering) where students will create their own theme park.

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Imagineering - Creating Worlds PBL (Distance Learning)

Adapted from Khan Academy and The Walt Disney Company. Resource is adapted for distance learning and is a graphic organizer to complete the lessons provided. Resource has videos from Disney Engineers and tasks supplied by Khan Academy. There are ten tasks and include STEM and design thinking challenges. Youtube links would not embed into the slides, links are provided. Make a copy for each student when assigning in Google Classroom.

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Pop Culture Figurative Language - Distance Learning

Students will analyze a song, tv show or movie to find examples of figurative language. They will create a slide presentation to show the level of understanding.

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Bernoulli's Principle - Distance Learning Pack

Students will watch videos, respond to questions with their hypothesis and complete some experiments and record their findings.

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Getty Museum Challenge - Distance Learning

The Getty Museum challenge, where you have to recreate your favourite work of art with 3 things lying around your home, was inspired by the Tussen Kunst en Quarantaine (Between Art and Quarantine) Instagram account from Amsterdam. Students will: 1. Explore and pick a piece of artwork 2. Recreate the piece 3. Take a photo of their creation 4. Research and critique the artwork.

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Figurative Language in Pop Culture

Students will find examples of figurative language in TV, movies or music Assignment: 1. Find a song, movie or TV show of your choice. 2. Create a Google presentation to show what examples of figurative language you found. Google Presentation Requirements: 1. Song, Movie or Tv show title (with a photo) 2. Your Example of Pop Culture must have 3 different types of figurative language. Each example MUST have its own slide. The slide must have: - The quote of the figurative language - What type of figurative language is being used - The intended meaning of the example. Possible Figurative Language: 1. Simile 2. Metaphor 3. Onomatopoeia 4. Alliteration 5. Personification 6. Hyperbole

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Air and Aerodynamics - Properties of air (distance learning)

This resource is suitable for distance learning. Slides are informative and student paced. Students will watch videos, do experiments and will respond using the scientific method.

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Orange for the Sunsets - Novel Study

While reading students are asked to dig deeper in their understanding of this highly relevant novel. Orange for the Sunsets tackles issues that align with the Grade 6 curriculum where students are asked to develop and critique government and social structures.

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Holiday Expository Writing

Students brainstorm, plan and write what describes them using symbols on a stocking. You can also alter this and have them do a tacky stocking for a character in a book they are reading. After, I purchase stockings at Wal-Mart for $0.97 and students use fabric paint and crafts to enhance their descriptions of the symbols that make them unique.

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Inspiration for Decoration

Students will plan and create a motivational poster that can be displayed to enhance positive self worth and body image.

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Canada Votes 2019

This resource is to support the Student vote for the Federal Election. Students are divided into groups to explore the platforms of SIX federal political parties and their leaders. Students are then asked to present their findings as a jigsaw and be able to formulate their opinions and beliefs. Later, students will then use the Youth version of the Vote compass to solidify where they stand on the political spectrum.

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Friendship Wanted Posters

Students will brainstorm and plan what they are looking for in a friend, while reflecting on what makes them a good friend. Later, students will develop a letter/ad where they will put their ideas into writing.

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Grade 6 YEAR PLAN - ALL subjects

This month by month year plan has personally created website links that teach specifically to Alberta's curriculum. (SCIENCE and SOCIAL specifically)

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Geographic Thinking - Country Research & Parade Float

Timeline: 1 Week to explain, model research and gather information, 1 week to design, create and present. In a group of two, research, design, create and present a parade float of any country with your group. Your Float should be made out of a shoebox or other small box. Parade floats are beautiful and colorful, so be creative! Use tissue paper, construction paper, etc to cover all sides of your box. Models, pictures or figures can be added to add interest and creativity. Put your float together carefully. You must also include a small write up to go along with your float explaining your choices for the float. ­(One well explained reason for each element… Use the word because)

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Provinces of Canada - Student Parade

Students will explore regions/provinces of Canada and visually depict their research to create a float.

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Ancient Athens Artifact Project

Students will research, design and create a replica of an aspect of Ancient Athens life or democracy.

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Gestation Period of Animals Graphing

Students will research three types of mammals and classify species based on the criteria. Then, students will graph gestational periods of 17 different animals and graph them. Students also make inferences based on their research and come up with factors that affect the gestational period. This resource includes research, math and science. This was used as a supplemental project for students to work independently while other students were taking part in the human sexuality component.

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Figurative Language Song Lyric Project

Students will choose a song to analyze and find examples of figurative language. Rubric included!

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Alberta Votes 2019

Students will research the leaders platforms after responding to questions posted by Student Vote. Students will also research MLA candidates within their own riding and form their own opinion on who they would elect. Ideally meant to be posted to Google Classroom then a copy is made for each student to add text directly into slides.

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La Grande Paix de Montreal - Graphic novel project

Students will be grouped to depict the Montreal peace treaty - the before, during and after.

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Coding Constellations with Sphero

Students will research and select one constellation, chart it and use critical thinking skills and the sphero app to program the sphero robot to take the path of the constellation.

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TAG - peer feedback

A peer feedback resource where students will TAG their friends.\nT - TELL your friend something that you like about their work\nA - ANOTHER thing you like about their work\nG - GIVE your friend a suggestion to improve their work\n\nStudents will then complete a reflection where they summarize what students said they did well and reflect on what they mentioned they could improve on. As well, it asks students to plan what they will do with this information in order to improve their project/work.

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Digital Portfolio - assignment

Overview\nStudents will create a website to post, boast, organize and reflect upon work from the school year.\nThis assignment will have students reflect and create an online portfolio that requires them to create a mini autobiography page, accomplishments page and aspiration page.\nIncluded in the assignment is a rubric and a link to a sample site for students to pull inspiration from. ❤

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Olympic Correspondent Project

This is a cross curricular resource that includes 5 tasks for up to 50 students!\n\nStudents will become a country's representative of the 2018 Olympics.\n\nThe tasks are:\n- design a button with the symbols of the nation and the country's name\n- collect and display daily data from the Olympics\n- research and write a report of your country\n- culture fair pavilion (students make a cultural display of food, language, art activity etc)\n- selfie at the Olympics (using a green screen)\n\nIncluded are 50 nation's flags, title tiles of the country and a template for gold, silver and bronze medals.

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Planet Taco - edit for detail and endings

Students will engage in this narrative. Students will search for detail, endings and figurative language.

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Nutrition Quiz

Summative assessment on eating healthy.

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Survey - Ice Cream Flavour Scenario

Students create fractions and percents based on their findings.

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Figurative Language - notes

Students will be given examples of figurative language and find others.

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Flight - unit test

Summative assessment for flight

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Graphing Project

Students will create a topic and survey students and analyze the data.

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Business Card Rubric - Social 3

Students create a business card for themselves as if they were from Tunisia, Ukraine, Peru or India. Pick a profession or leadership position that they feel is important or specific to that community and is in demand.

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Bullying - Chain of Consequences

Students will create a visual raising awareness for bullying.\nStudents will reflect on a time they have experienced bullying and suggest ways to end the cycle.

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Mission Impossible - Instruction Cards

This is a gymnastics alternative using common equipment found in most schools. Mission impossible has students travel from station to station doing extremely challenging tasks to try to beat their personal record. This version takes students across Canada experiencing provincial and territorial specific tasks.

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Student Survey - Start of Year

A survey to gain insight about your students.

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Sky Science Exam

Sky Science unit final

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What Side of History do you Want to be on?

Students will select a historical hero or bully and complete a research write up about their impact.

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Transformation Project

Students will draw an image. Then they will reflect, rotate and transform the image. Students will also label and plot ordered pairs.

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Greek Name & Angles

This is a cross curricular project, where students use their understanding of greek culture and translate their names using the Greek alphabet. Afterwards, students identify, label and classify angles within their Greek name.

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Air and Aerodynamics quiz

Grade 6 science test

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Grade 6 Year Plan.doc

This is a ten month outline for Grade 6 curriculum. Subjects included are LA, social, science, math, art, health and phys. ed.